Produsen atau pelaku usaha kosmetika termasuk UKM sekarang bisa mendapatkan izin dari Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) secara lebih mudah melalui notifikasi online.
"Ini merupakan upaya kita untuk mengikuti harmonisasi ASEAN tentang kosmetik yang harusnya dilakukan tahun 2008, tapi di Indonesia baru berlaku tahun 2011 ini," jelas Sri Indrawati, Dirjen Obat dan Kelengkapan Farmasi dalam acara temu media di Gedung Kemenkes, Jakarta, Jumat (4/3/2011).
Menurut Sri, kebijakan baru yang mulai berlaku sejak tanggal 1 Januari 2011 ini akan memudahkan usaha kosmetik dalam negeri untuk mengikuti harmonisasi ASEAN, serta mendorong mereka agar mampu berdaya saing dengan produk-produk kosmetik asing.
"Dulu produk kosmetik harus registrasi dulu, tapi dengan notifikasi ini produsen cukup mendaftarkan produknya secara online. Jadi mempermudah industri kosmetik menjual produk-produknya di Indonesia," jelas Sri.
Dra Kustantinah, Apt, M.App.Sc, Kepala BPOM, menjelaskan bahwa notifikasi online ini membuat Indonesia menjadi salah satu negara yang menerapkan sistem pendaftaran online, selain Malaysia dan Singapura.
"Kalau sistem lama kan produsen harus bolak-balik, kasihan yang di luar Jakarta, jadi kita bikin terobosan," jelas Dra Kustantinah.
Berikut beberapa manfaat dari kebijakan baru notifikasi online yang disampaikan Dra Kustantinah:
1. Meningkatkan transparansi dan akuntabilitas pelayanan publik
2. Mempercepat akses produsen dan konsumen terhadap produk
3. Mempermudah proses permohonan notifikasi karena dapat dilakukan dari seluruh Indonesia
4. Menghindari potensi penyalahgunaan wewenang oleh petugas Badan POM.
Notifikasi kosmetika kepada Badan POM dilakukan dengan tata cara tertentu dan harus memenuhi persyaratan yang telah diharmonisasi di ASEAN. Notifikasi harus dilakukan oleh pelaku usaha yang bertanggung jawab terhadap kosmetika tersebut sebelum diproduksi dan/ atau diedarkan.
"Pelaku usaha bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap keamanan, mutu dan klaim manfaat kosmetika yang dinotifkasi," lanjut Dra Kustantinah.
Saat masih diberlakukan registrasi konvensional, sebelum kosmetika beredar harus dilakukan evaluasi keamanan dan mutu produk. Dengan diberlakukannya sistem online ini, maka evaluasi dilakukan oleh sistem online.
"Jika data yang dimasukkan tidak sesuai dengan ketetapan BPOM, maka otomatis akan ditolak oleh sistem," jelas Dra Kustantinah.
Selain itu, juga dilakukan pengecekan post marketing control yang bisa dilakukan sewaktu-waktu oleh petugas BPOM.
"Bila produk yang ada di pasaran ternyata tidak sesuai dengan data notifikasi, maka itu sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab produsen," jelas Drs Ruslan Aspan, Apt, MM, Deputi Bidang Pengawasan Obat Tradisional, Kosmetika dan Produk Komplemen BPOM.
Untuk itu, kepada masyarakat hendaknya dapat melindungi dirinya sendiri dengan cara cermat dalam memilih dan membeli kosmetika sesuai kebutuhan, cermat dalam menggunakan kosmetika dan cermat membaca informasi yang tercantum pada label atau kemasan kosmetika.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
How Brain Bright and Shining
How Brain Bright and Shining
The brain is one of the important parts of your body because it contains a variety of the central governing body. But there are easy ways you can do to help nourish the brain so that it remains bright and brilliant.

To create a healthy brain needs food intake can increase the brain and do some exercises or activities that can maintain cognitive function of the brain.
Here are some easy ways you can do to nourish the organs of the brain, as quoted from the LIVESTRONG, Tuesday (02/22/2011), namely:
Providing good food for the brain
More than half of the brain consists of fat, so fat is needed by the brain to maintain the sharpness of thinking and functioning properly.
Fat is needed, such as omega-3 fatty acids are important for brain function and cognitive development, as well as the use of good fats such as olive or canola oil.
Besides fat, green vegetables can also help protect the brain from Alzheimer's disease and dementia (senility). Based on a 2009 study published in the journal Archives of Neurology showing that spinach and other green vegetables that contain folic could ward off dementia and other cognitive impairment conditions.
Food and other beverages that can improve brain performance are blueberries, blackberries, purple grape juice, apples, cinnamon and vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower.
Flex brain
Dr Gayatri Devi as the neurologist suggested msyarakat to perform a variety of activities that can stimulate other parts of the brain that lead to better cognitive health and comprehensive.
Activities that can be done is to do sudoku, then switched to math problems, listening to classical music, dance, play tennis or socializing with people. Various activities will keep the brain well and train the brain to not just one part active.
Doing sports
Dr. Devi said one way to create a healthy brain is through exercise or sports, because exercise can make the body work properly and better cognitive function.
By getting a good physical activity will increase the intake of oxygen in the brain, brain cells maintain and enhance the growth of new nerve cells. Do aerobic exercise regimen 3-5 times a week.
The brain is one of the important parts of your body because it contains a variety of the central governing body. But there are easy ways you can do to help nourish the brain so that it remains bright and brilliant.

To create a healthy brain needs food intake can increase the brain and do some exercises or activities that can maintain cognitive function of the brain.
Here are some easy ways you can do to nourish the organs of the brain, as quoted from the LIVESTRONG, Tuesday (02/22/2011), namely:
Providing good food for the brain
More than half of the brain consists of fat, so fat is needed by the brain to maintain the sharpness of thinking and functioning properly.
Fat is needed, such as omega-3 fatty acids are important for brain function and cognitive development, as well as the use of good fats such as olive or canola oil.
Besides fat, green vegetables can also help protect the brain from Alzheimer's disease and dementia (senility). Based on a 2009 study published in the journal Archives of Neurology showing that spinach and other green vegetables that contain folic could ward off dementia and other cognitive impairment conditions.
Food and other beverages that can improve brain performance are blueberries, blackberries, purple grape juice, apples, cinnamon and vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower.
Flex brain
Dr Gayatri Devi as the neurologist suggested msyarakat to perform a variety of activities that can stimulate other parts of the brain that lead to better cognitive health and comprehensive.
Activities that can be done is to do sudoku, then switched to math problems, listening to classical music, dance, play tennis or socializing with people. Various activities will keep the brain well and train the brain to not just one part active.
Doing sports
Dr. Devi said one way to create a healthy brain is through exercise or sports, because exercise can make the body work properly and better cognitive function.
By getting a good physical activity will increase the intake of oxygen in the brain, brain cells maintain and enhance the growth of new nerve cells. Do aerobic exercise regimen 3-5 times a week.
Why Men Play Physical affection If Emotions?
Why Men Play Physical affection If Emotions?
Men tend to vent their anger that emotion with physical play such as hitting. Then came the words do not go near a man who was emotional because he could become a creature of the rough.

Instead women tend to grumble when you're angry. Why do men prefer to play physical when angry?
According to research, men and women really think differently. This is because of differences in brain anatomy between men and women.
Dr. Charles E. Damping, SpKJ from the Department of Psychiatry at the Faculty of medicine-RSCM Press Conference The 4th Annual Women's Health Expo in FKUI-RSCM, explains that the brains of men and women differ in the chemical, spatial, verbal, memory and the gray matter and white matter.
In chemicals, women's brains contain more serotonin, which makes it behave more peaceful than men. In addition, women's brains also have oxytocin, a substance that binds human with other humans or with more objects.
"Two things affect the brain's biological tendency of men to act in advance rather than talk. That's why men are more easy to hit when angry, if not nagging old lady," said Dr. Charles E. Damping, SpKJ.
While spatially, the area of the brain cortex sucked more men to perform spatial functions and tend to give a little on the local portion korteksnya to produce and use words.
Corpus collosum male brain is smaller than a quarter of the female brain. When the male brain uses only the right brain hemisphere, brain woman can maximize both.
"That's why women are more talkative (fussy) than men," said Dr Charles.
Research on the gray matter and white matter of the brain, showed that in general men have gray matter 6.5 times greater than women, whereas white matter 10 times more women than men, as reported by LiveScience, Thursday (03/03/2011 .)
It makes men more likely to excel in fields that require local processes such as mathematics. While women are more superior in the field of integerasi and assimilation (adaptation) information such as language skills.
And in memory, the memory center (hippocampus) in women's brains bigger than the male brain. This makes him easy to forget, while the woman can remember every detail.
"Hence, the mothers do not get mad if my husband had forgotten an important date, because it's much less memory than the female brain," added Dr. Charles.
From the difference in brain anatomy and function, not surprising that the outlook and behavior of men and women differ significantly.
Men tend to vent their anger that emotion with physical play such as hitting. Then came the words do not go near a man who was emotional because he could become a creature of the rough.

Instead women tend to grumble when you're angry. Why do men prefer to play physical when angry?
According to research, men and women really think differently. This is because of differences in brain anatomy between men and women.
Dr. Charles E. Damping, SpKJ from the Department of Psychiatry at the Faculty of medicine-RSCM Press Conference The 4th Annual Women's Health Expo in FKUI-RSCM, explains that the brains of men and women differ in the chemical, spatial, verbal, memory and the gray matter and white matter.
In chemicals, women's brains contain more serotonin, which makes it behave more peaceful than men. In addition, women's brains also have oxytocin, a substance that binds human with other humans or with more objects.
"Two things affect the brain's biological tendency of men to act in advance rather than talk. That's why men are more easy to hit when angry, if not nagging old lady," said Dr. Charles E. Damping, SpKJ.
While spatially, the area of the brain cortex sucked more men to perform spatial functions and tend to give a little on the local portion korteksnya to produce and use words.
Corpus collosum male brain is smaller than a quarter of the female brain. When the male brain uses only the right brain hemisphere, brain woman can maximize both.
"That's why women are more talkative (fussy) than men," said Dr Charles.
Research on the gray matter and white matter of the brain, showed that in general men have gray matter 6.5 times greater than women, whereas white matter 10 times more women than men, as reported by LiveScience, Thursday (03/03/2011 .)
It makes men more likely to excel in fields that require local processes such as mathematics. While women are more superior in the field of integerasi and assimilation (adaptation) information such as language skills.
And in memory, the memory center (hippocampus) in women's brains bigger than the male brain. This makes him easy to forget, while the woman can remember every detail.
"Hence, the mothers do not get mad if my husband had forgotten an important date, because it's much less memory than the female brain," added Dr. Charles.
From the difference in brain anatomy and function, not surprising that the outlook and behavior of men and women differ significantly.
No man who is not Watch Porn
No man who is not Watch Porn
Where there is pornography there is a man. Research conducted scientists discover all adult men were watching porn. Surprisingly habit first began when the average male age of 10 years.
Researchers from the University of Montreal Canada doing research in 2009. Initially, researchers just want to find a man aged in their early 20s who have never seen pornography.

But the researchers actually have trouble finding a man who has never watched a porn movie. None of the men surveyed who have never watched porn movies.
"We could not find a single man who had never seen pornography," said Professor Simon Louis Lajeunesse as quoted by the Telegraph, Tuesday (01/02/2011).
About 90 percent of normal male (heterosexual) who surveyed watch porn movies from the internet, own the remaining 10 percent purchased from the store video.
Single men surveyed claimed to watch pornography on average 40 minutes for three times a week. While men who have admitted watching porn couples only 1.7 times a week for 20 minutes.
From the results of this study, researchers concluded that men watching porn in accordance with the image and style of sexuality. But they will get rid of movies that are considered too weird.
"But pornography does not change the perception of men against women or interfere with the relationship with her partner. In fact, most of them pretty conventional sexual style," said Prof Lajeunesse.
Who feared the rise of pornography will have negative effects for those who are not yet mature. Moreover, the results of the study was a desire to see pornography on average occur when a child 10 years of age.
Psychologist Andayani Ramelan, Psi from the University of Esa Unggul ever contacted detikHealth said the children would find pornography because it was originally filled with curiosity and wonder.
For that it's good, parents provide the delivery and explains cause and effect with an easily understood by children.
Because of the prohibition against the children without any explanation would only make the child will find out for himself from sources that could have menjerumuskannya on things that are not good.
Andayani Psychologists offers tips for child porn was curious about the video:
1. Give understanding, not coercion.
Avoid using the word 'do', let alone in expressing harsh articulation. Instead of saying 'You're not allowed to watch porn videos!', Better explain to her why she was not allowed to watch and its impact.
2. Give the notion of sexual relations, but need not be told in detail.
Say that 'sexual relations should only be done by a husband & wife are valid according to religion and the state'.
3. Associate with moral and religious education.
Tell me if sexual relations without marriage is not true and will get a sin. Tell him, 'God does not like people who watch porn videos you know ...'
4. Let me know cause and effect when the act was done.
Explain that the action was going to embarrass himself, his family and those around him.
5. Ask the child about the views and opinions.
See the reaction of children, whether the child had caught the intention of speech or not.
6. Note the child's activities while he was still in reach of a parent.
7. Remind him to be close to God Almighty.
Where there is pornography there is a man. Research conducted scientists discover all adult men were watching porn. Surprisingly habit first began when the average male age of 10 years.
Researchers from the University of Montreal Canada doing research in 2009. Initially, researchers just want to find a man aged in their early 20s who have never seen pornography.

But the researchers actually have trouble finding a man who has never watched a porn movie. None of the men surveyed who have never watched porn movies.
"We could not find a single man who had never seen pornography," said Professor Simon Louis Lajeunesse as quoted by the Telegraph, Tuesday (01/02/2011).
About 90 percent of normal male (heterosexual) who surveyed watch porn movies from the internet, own the remaining 10 percent purchased from the store video.
Single men surveyed claimed to watch pornography on average 40 minutes for three times a week. While men who have admitted watching porn couples only 1.7 times a week for 20 minutes.
From the results of this study, researchers concluded that men watching porn in accordance with the image and style of sexuality. But they will get rid of movies that are considered too weird.
"But pornography does not change the perception of men against women or interfere with the relationship with her partner. In fact, most of them pretty conventional sexual style," said Prof Lajeunesse.
Who feared the rise of pornography will have negative effects for those who are not yet mature. Moreover, the results of the study was a desire to see pornography on average occur when a child 10 years of age.
Psychologist Andayani Ramelan, Psi from the University of Esa Unggul ever contacted detikHealth said the children would find pornography because it was originally filled with curiosity and wonder.
For that it's good, parents provide the delivery and explains cause and effect with an easily understood by children.
Because of the prohibition against the children without any explanation would only make the child will find out for himself from sources that could have menjerumuskannya on things that are not good.
Andayani Psychologists offers tips for child porn was curious about the video:
1. Give understanding, not coercion.
Avoid using the word 'do', let alone in expressing harsh articulation. Instead of saying 'You're not allowed to watch porn videos!', Better explain to her why she was not allowed to watch and its impact.
2. Give the notion of sexual relations, but need not be told in detail.
Say that 'sexual relations should only be done by a husband & wife are valid according to religion and the state'.
3. Associate with moral and religious education.
Tell me if sexual relations without marriage is not true and will get a sin. Tell him, 'God does not like people who watch porn videos you know ...'
4. Let me know cause and effect when the act was done.
Explain that the action was going to embarrass himself, his family and those around him.
5. Ask the child about the views and opinions.
See the reaction of children, whether the child had caught the intention of speech or not.
6. Note the child's activities while he was still in reach of a parent.
7. Remind him to be close to God Almighty.
Vulnerable Male Impotence If Knew Too Early Pornography
Vulnerable Male Impotence If Knew Too Early Pornography
Appropriate warning on the cover of the packaging, porno movies are specially for adults. In men, it is too early to know the risks can be impotent pornography as an adult. Most can not lose sex drive or called Sexual Anorexia.
The term here is similar to anorexia eating disorder characterized by loss of appetite. The difference in sexual anorexia or sexual anorexia. not lost your appetite or lust but instinctive urge to have sex.

One of the triggers is addicted to pornography, especially since age is too young, starting in the early days of puberty. New impact is felt as an adult, which is about age of 20 years should be the golden period in the sexual life of a man.
"Starting with the reduced interest in porn films, then followed by decrease in sex drive in real life. The worst impact is the inability to have erections," said Carlo Foresta, experts from Societa Italiana seskologi in Andrologia Medica (SIAM).
In the annual meeting held recently in Italy, SIAM reveals that 7.8 million of 27 million Internet users in Italy, or about 28.9 percent is routinely accessed pornographic sites. Quoted from Lifeinitaly, Sunday (27/02/2011), 73 percent of that number male sex.
When grouped by age, 3.9 percent of men addicted to pornography since the age began under 13 years and 5.9 percent at age 14-18 years. The group that started addicted to pornography since the teenage years is the most widely experienced sexual anorexia at age of 20 years.
A similar study was conducted at the University of Montreal, Canada in 2009. As a result, all the male respondents surveyed had ever watched a porn movie and start watching it on average at age 10. Impact is the same, the men who are too young to know pornography tend to loss of libido as adults.
Appropriate warning on the cover of the packaging, porno movies are specially for adults. In men, it is too early to know the risks can be impotent pornography as an adult. Most can not lose sex drive or called Sexual Anorexia.
The term here is similar to anorexia eating disorder characterized by loss of appetite. The difference in sexual anorexia or sexual anorexia. not lost your appetite or lust but instinctive urge to have sex.

One of the triggers is addicted to pornography, especially since age is too young, starting in the early days of puberty. New impact is felt as an adult, which is about age of 20 years should be the golden period in the sexual life of a man.
"Starting with the reduced interest in porn films, then followed by decrease in sex drive in real life. The worst impact is the inability to have erections," said Carlo Foresta, experts from Societa Italiana seskologi in Andrologia Medica (SIAM).
In the annual meeting held recently in Italy, SIAM reveals that 7.8 million of 27 million Internet users in Italy, or about 28.9 percent is routinely accessed pornographic sites. Quoted from Lifeinitaly, Sunday (27/02/2011), 73 percent of that number male sex.
When grouped by age, 3.9 percent of men addicted to pornography since the age began under 13 years and 5.9 percent at age 14-18 years. The group that started addicted to pornography since the teenage years is the most widely experienced sexual anorexia at age of 20 years.
A similar study was conducted at the University of Montreal, Canada in 2009. As a result, all the male respondents surveyed had ever watched a porn movie and start watching it on average at age 10. Impact is the same, the men who are too young to know pornography tend to loss of libido as adults.
Pereda Drug Users Natural Impotence Pain More Often
Pereda Drug Users Natural Impotence Pain More Often
Though claimed to be safe for the heart, some pain medication still remains a risk to sexual health. Men who regularly take pain relievers to 5 times per week had a 38 percent higher risk of experiencing erectile dysfunction.
Class of pain reliever that increases the risk of impotence is a Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory (NSAIDs), including aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Presumably, these drugs could inhibit peroduksi hormones needed for an erection.

Research conducted by Dr. Joseph Gleason of the Los Angeles show, 30 percent of men who used NSAIDs regularly 5 times a week had mild erectile dysfunction. If converted to other factors including age and weight, the risk to 38 percent.
It was concluded after Dr. Gleason, who is a specialist doctor venereal spread questionnaires to 81,000 men aged 45-69 years related to drinking habits of drugs and sexual problems. The results were already published in the latest issue of the Journal of Urology.
Although there is no proven direct relationship between pain relief Degnan impotence, Dr. Gleason suspect these drugs increase the risk of blockage of blood vessels in the penis. As a result penis erection problems to be perfect.
This assumption is actually consistent with some previous research which proved that excessive use of aspirin could increase the risk of heart attacks in men. That is, the relationship between pain reliever to the health of blood vessels has been known since long.
"We always say, the penis is the thermometer for a man to measure the health of blood vessels," said Dr. Gleason as quoted by Reuters on Thursday (03/03/2011).
If the heart is only affected by the use of NSAIDs, it is quite reasonable if the penis can also have problems. According to Dr Gleason, blood vessels in the penis is much smaller than the blood vessels to the heart so more prone to blockage.
Though claimed to be safe for the heart, some pain medication still remains a risk to sexual health. Men who regularly take pain relievers to 5 times per week had a 38 percent higher risk of experiencing erectile dysfunction.
Class of pain reliever that increases the risk of impotence is a Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory (NSAIDs), including aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Presumably, these drugs could inhibit peroduksi hormones needed for an erection.

Research conducted by Dr. Joseph Gleason of the Los Angeles show, 30 percent of men who used NSAIDs regularly 5 times a week had mild erectile dysfunction. If converted to other factors including age and weight, the risk to 38 percent.
It was concluded after Dr. Gleason, who is a specialist doctor venereal spread questionnaires to 81,000 men aged 45-69 years related to drinking habits of drugs and sexual problems. The results were already published in the latest issue of the Journal of Urology.
Although there is no proven direct relationship between pain relief Degnan impotence, Dr. Gleason suspect these drugs increase the risk of blockage of blood vessels in the penis. As a result penis erection problems to be perfect.
This assumption is actually consistent with some previous research which proved that excessive use of aspirin could increase the risk of heart attacks in men. That is, the relationship between pain reliever to the health of blood vessels has been known since long.
"We always say, the penis is the thermometer for a man to measure the health of blood vessels," said Dr. Gleason as quoted by Reuters on Thursday (03/03/2011).
If the heart is only affected by the use of NSAIDs, it is quite reasonable if the penis can also have problems. According to Dr Gleason, blood vessels in the penis is much smaller than the blood vessels to the heart so more prone to blockage.
Number of urinating Fair in One Day
Number of urinating Fair in One Day
Every day someone would urinate to remove metabolic waste and toxins from the body. But how many times a person's normal to urinate every day?
The amount of urine varies each person spent, it is also influenced by the amount of fluid consumed, body condition and the environment. However, if the frequency of urination is more frequent than usual, it deserves to be noticed.

Most adults will urinate about 4-7 times a day. The average person will not urinate more than two cups each 2 hour, as quoted by CNN on Friday (25/02/2011).
Meanwhile, if weather or cold air, the person will urinate more frequently. This is due to weather or cold environments can cause the bladder muscle to excess activity (overactivity) and the sensor triggers an increase in urgency (urgent).
However, if in normal circumstances a person urinate more than 8 times within 24 hours, or urinating more than 2 times in one night that can disturb sleep, then this condition should consult with a physician.
There were two bladder condition that causes one to frequently pee, that is interstitial cystitis (IC) that accompanied the pain in the bladder and the surrounding areas as well as overactive bladder are often experienced a strong urge to pee all of a sudden. Both these conditions can be treated well if unconscious and sent to the doctor.
In addition, too frequent urination can also be caused by other health conditions such as enlarged prostate, diabetes, pregnancy, urinary tract infection, anxiety, worry or the use of certain drugs.
To find out if there is disruption of the bladder, a person can do minor tests before it checked by a doctor. If these conditions are not handled properly, it can hamper or interfere with one's activities and did not get time to sleep soundly.
Every day someone would urinate to remove metabolic waste and toxins from the body. But how many times a person's normal to urinate every day?
The amount of urine varies each person spent, it is also influenced by the amount of fluid consumed, body condition and the environment. However, if the frequency of urination is more frequent than usual, it deserves to be noticed.

Most adults will urinate about 4-7 times a day. The average person will not urinate more than two cups each 2 hour, as quoted by CNN on Friday (25/02/2011).
Meanwhile, if weather or cold air, the person will urinate more frequently. This is due to weather or cold environments can cause the bladder muscle to excess activity (overactivity) and the sensor triggers an increase in urgency (urgent).
However, if in normal circumstances a person urinate more than 8 times within 24 hours, or urinating more than 2 times in one night that can disturb sleep, then this condition should consult with a physician.
There were two bladder condition that causes one to frequently pee, that is interstitial cystitis (IC) that accompanied the pain in the bladder and the surrounding areas as well as overactive bladder are often experienced a strong urge to pee all of a sudden. Both these conditions can be treated well if unconscious and sent to the doctor.
In addition, too frequent urination can also be caused by other health conditions such as enlarged prostate, diabetes, pregnancy, urinary tract infection, anxiety, worry or the use of certain drugs.
To find out if there is disruption of the bladder, a person can do minor tests before it checked by a doctor. If these conditions are not handled properly, it can hamper or interfere with one's activities and did not get time to sleep soundly.
More Brain Thinking Ability Lucid We have the need to pee
More Brain Thinking Ability Lucid We have the need to pee
When the bladder is usually full of people dying for a pee. Well, that's when a full bladder brain's ability to think and make decisions will increase.
A study published in the journal Science found Psycology when bladder full of people more able to think clearly.

So it is advisable to drink lots of water-multiply so that a full bladder which then makes people think clearly.
Although making people so frequent urination, bladder condition that is always full of turns has its own benefits for the performance of brain cells.
Dr Mirjan Tuk from the University of Twente in the Netherlands who conducted the study said, some parts of the brain activity increases when the bladder is full, the condition when people are dying for a pee. Section in question is the center of thinking associated with risk taking.
"In the short term, people become more able to control impulses (the desire for a moment) and tend to make decisions that provide long-term benefits," said Dr. Tuk as quoted by the Telegraph, on Thursday (03/03/2011).
In that study, Dr. Tuk involve a number of volunteers who were divided into 2 groups. The first group was asked to drink 7 glasses of water once each 750 ml, while the other group is only a sip of water in the same amount little by little.
Approximately 40 minutes later, the volunteers were asked to undergo psychological tests to measure the ability of decision-making. With a time delay that long, white water is expected to fill the bladder until it is full of volunteers who drank seven glasses at once.
As a result, the volunteers who have a full bladder tends to impose a choice on the things that nature provides long term benefits. Volunteers who drink little by little more choice on the things that give momentary advantage.
When the bladder is usually full of people dying for a pee. Well, that's when a full bladder brain's ability to think and make decisions will increase.
A study published in the journal Science found Psycology when bladder full of people more able to think clearly.

So it is advisable to drink lots of water-multiply so that a full bladder which then makes people think clearly.
Although making people so frequent urination, bladder condition that is always full of turns has its own benefits for the performance of brain cells.
Dr Mirjan Tuk from the University of Twente in the Netherlands who conducted the study said, some parts of the brain activity increases when the bladder is full, the condition when people are dying for a pee. Section in question is the center of thinking associated with risk taking.
"In the short term, people become more able to control impulses (the desire for a moment) and tend to make decisions that provide long-term benefits," said Dr. Tuk as quoted by the Telegraph, on Thursday (03/03/2011).
In that study, Dr. Tuk involve a number of volunteers who were divided into 2 groups. The first group was asked to drink 7 glasses of water once each 750 ml, while the other group is only a sip of water in the same amount little by little.
Approximately 40 minutes later, the volunteers were asked to undergo psychological tests to measure the ability of decision-making. With a time delay that long, white water is expected to fill the bladder until it is full of volunteers who drank seven glasses at once.
As a result, the volunteers who have a full bladder tends to impose a choice on the things that nature provides long term benefits. Volunteers who drink little by little more choice on the things that give momentary advantage.
Signs of Baby Got Pneumonia
Signs of Baby Got Pneumonia
Because like a cold (runny nose), pneumonia in infants parents are often ignored. In fact, in one day, two million people died from the disease.
Chairman Dr IDAI. Badriul Hegar, SpA (K) said the pneumonia is an acute inflammatory process in lung tissue (alveoli) due to bacterial infections that cause respiratory distress.

"Maybe because the symptoms are similar to common colds, and there is no dramatic effects, such as death or disability directly, so people often ignore this disease. In fact, this disease is dangerous because it can cause death in children due to the lungs can not perform its function to supply oxygen for body. This is what many parents have not understood, "said Dr. Budi Darmawan Setyanto, SpA (K), head of the PD-IDAI Respiroksi UKK as written, on Thursday (03/03/2011).
This lack of understanding, according to Budi, have paid handsomely. Pneumonia, according to the WHO, is the sole cause of death in children, the largest in the world. To date, pneumonia kills nearly two million children under five, or about 20% of all deaths under five worldwide.
"This figure is higher than deaths from AIDS, malaria, and measles combined. Every year, there were 155 million cases of pneumonia worldwide. Indonesia, a country with the highest incidence rate of pneumonia to-6 in the world," he explained.
Most Vulnerable Toddlers
According to Budi, pneumonia caused by bacteria, can be a bacteria or virus, which reaches the lungs through several routes. First, the germs in dirty air inhaled through the nose and throat to the lungs and infection. Second, spread through blood.
The newborn is the most vulnerable groups are susceptible of contracting pneumonia from the birth mother through the streets during the delivery process. In addition to infants, children with low immunity system also includes a group of risk of pneumonia.
"Toddlers who do not receive exclusive breastfeeding, to be deprived of zinc. So also with people with AIDS or measles, have a higher risk of pneumonia," said Budi.
Children who live in slum settlements, poor, crowded, filthy, and dirty, also including higher-risk groups susceptible to pneumonia, compared to the group above.
"The place they stayed was very high pollution and exposure to tobacco smoke and combustion," said Hegar.
Recognize Symptoms
Symptoms of pneumonia in children vary, depending on age and cause:
1. Usually preceded by symptoms of influenza include fever accompanied by cough and colds, headaches, and loss of appetite.
2. In further developments, there will be two important symptoms of pneumonia, rapid breathing and shortness of breath.
3. If a child aged less than 2 months, her breathing faster than 60 beats per minute. If age 2-12 months, her breathing faster than 50 times per minute. Meanwhile, if the age of 1-5 years, her breathing faster than 40 times per minute.
4. For the category of shortness of breath, marked by shortness of breath, nasal flaring flowers.
5. In cases of severe pneumonia, seen the attraction of lower chest wall into the (TDDK), seizures, decreased consciousness and body temperature.
"Parents can do this at home penghitungam breath, for the initial determination of whether the child has fast breathing or not. If it is true, immediately fly to the doctor to get further treatment. If not, can prove fatal," said Budi.
Not Always Treated
Parents really do not have to worry about pneumonia brought his sick son to the doctor or hospital. Not all children with peneumonia need to be hospitalized. If still relatively mild, the child can be treated by his family at home.
Enough with the administration of drugs with a dose of antibiotics choice appropriately and regularly, within 1-2 weeks of children can be kicked out, depending on immunity.
If treatment is not optimal, then the long-term effect is damage to organs in the lungs. However, if symptoms worsen then parents should immediately take the child back to the hospital.
"But children under 2 years are affected by pneumonia should be referred to hospital because of high risk to develop severe illness, even death," said Budi.
Tips to prevent pneumonia:
1. Give to infants exclusively breastfed for 6 months
2. Meet the nutritional intake of infants and toddlers, especially vitamin A and zinc (zinc)
3. Give full immunization in children, namely DPT (to prevent the occurrence of cough
4. rejan/100 day / pertussis) and measles (for immunity against pneumonia with
5. prevent measles virus into the lungs), influenza, Hib, and pneumococcal (for
6. immune from pneumonia germs.)
7. Keep your neighborhood clean of air pollution, such as cigarette smoke, burning garbage, and vehicles.
Because like a cold (runny nose), pneumonia in infants parents are often ignored. In fact, in one day, two million people died from the disease.
Chairman Dr IDAI. Badriul Hegar, SpA (K) said the pneumonia is an acute inflammatory process in lung tissue (alveoli) due to bacterial infections that cause respiratory distress.

"Maybe because the symptoms are similar to common colds, and there is no dramatic effects, such as death or disability directly, so people often ignore this disease. In fact, this disease is dangerous because it can cause death in children due to the lungs can not perform its function to supply oxygen for body. This is what many parents have not understood, "said Dr. Budi Darmawan Setyanto, SpA (K), head of the PD-IDAI Respiroksi UKK as written, on Thursday (03/03/2011).
This lack of understanding, according to Budi, have paid handsomely. Pneumonia, according to the WHO, is the sole cause of death in children, the largest in the world. To date, pneumonia kills nearly two million children under five, or about 20% of all deaths under five worldwide.
"This figure is higher than deaths from AIDS, malaria, and measles combined. Every year, there were 155 million cases of pneumonia worldwide. Indonesia, a country with the highest incidence rate of pneumonia to-6 in the world," he explained.
Most Vulnerable Toddlers
According to Budi, pneumonia caused by bacteria, can be a bacteria or virus, which reaches the lungs through several routes. First, the germs in dirty air inhaled through the nose and throat to the lungs and infection. Second, spread through blood.
The newborn is the most vulnerable groups are susceptible of contracting pneumonia from the birth mother through the streets during the delivery process. In addition to infants, children with low immunity system also includes a group of risk of pneumonia.
"Toddlers who do not receive exclusive breastfeeding, to be deprived of zinc. So also with people with AIDS or measles, have a higher risk of pneumonia," said Budi.
Children who live in slum settlements, poor, crowded, filthy, and dirty, also including higher-risk groups susceptible to pneumonia, compared to the group above.
"The place they stayed was very high pollution and exposure to tobacco smoke and combustion," said Hegar.
Recognize Symptoms
Symptoms of pneumonia in children vary, depending on age and cause:
1. Usually preceded by symptoms of influenza include fever accompanied by cough and colds, headaches, and loss of appetite.
2. In further developments, there will be two important symptoms of pneumonia, rapid breathing and shortness of breath.
3. If a child aged less than 2 months, her breathing faster than 60 beats per minute. If age 2-12 months, her breathing faster than 50 times per minute. Meanwhile, if the age of 1-5 years, her breathing faster than 40 times per minute.
4. For the category of shortness of breath, marked by shortness of breath, nasal flaring flowers.
5. In cases of severe pneumonia, seen the attraction of lower chest wall into the (TDDK), seizures, decreased consciousness and body temperature.
"Parents can do this at home penghitungam breath, for the initial determination of whether the child has fast breathing or not. If it is true, immediately fly to the doctor to get further treatment. If not, can prove fatal," said Budi.
Not Always Treated
Parents really do not have to worry about pneumonia brought his sick son to the doctor or hospital. Not all children with peneumonia need to be hospitalized. If still relatively mild, the child can be treated by his family at home.
Enough with the administration of drugs with a dose of antibiotics choice appropriately and regularly, within 1-2 weeks of children can be kicked out, depending on immunity.
If treatment is not optimal, then the long-term effect is damage to organs in the lungs. However, if symptoms worsen then parents should immediately take the child back to the hospital.
"But children under 2 years are affected by pneumonia should be referred to hospital because of high risk to develop severe illness, even death," said Budi.
Tips to prevent pneumonia:
1. Give to infants exclusively breastfed for 6 months
2. Meet the nutritional intake of infants and toddlers, especially vitamin A and zinc (zinc)
3. Give full immunization in children, namely DPT (to prevent the occurrence of cough
4. rejan/100 day / pertussis) and measles (for immunity against pneumonia with
5. prevent measles virus into the lungs), influenza, Hib, and pneumococcal (for
6. immune from pneumonia germs.)
7. Keep your neighborhood clean of air pollution, such as cigarette smoke, burning garbage, and vehicles.
Easy Tips For High Blood Pressure Not
Easy Tips For High Blood Pressure Not
Disease of high blood pressure (hypertension) should not be underestimated because it can cause complications, especially for the heart. There are 5 easy ways to keep blood pressure remained normal.

Abnormal blood pressure can make a person at risk of heart attack, stroke and even erectile dysfunction. It is sometimes not known by such person, except if very high blood pressure.
As quoted from, Thursday (25/11/2010) there are ways that are fun and perfect to keep the blood pressure to remain normal, namely:
Eating dark chocolate (dark chocolate)
Study in Italy in 2008 to get people who eat dark chocolate every day for 15 days can help to lower systolic blood pressure (top number) by 4.5 points and diastoliknya by 4.2 points. But pilihlan proper chocolate and contains antioxidants, choose one that contains 65 percent cocoa.
Men who have sex twice a week have 65 percent lower risk of heart attack, compared to only once a month. These results are based on the study of New England Research Institute. This suggests that lower blood pressure and blood vessels will respond better in times of stress.
Listening to music
Music is the perfect tool to dilate the arteries. Listening to music is rhythmically homogeneous (beatnya stable) 30 minutes a day and combined with breathing exercises can lower systolic blood pressure. The right music can relieve anxiety and avoid the narrowing of blood vessels.
Laugh at a funny movie would make the blood vessels dilated by 22 percent and physical action of laughing will make blood vessels expand which increases blood flow and reduce blood pressure. Should someone laugh 15 minutes a day, could by reading a story or watch a funny movie.
Measuring blood pressure at home
Measure blood pressure regularly at home will be better in predicting the risk krdiovaskuler than in hospitals. One can choose a digital blood pressure measuring device is accurate, so as to know their blood pressure every time he needed.
Disease of high blood pressure (hypertension) should not be underestimated because it can cause complications, especially for the heart. There are 5 easy ways to keep blood pressure remained normal.

Abnormal blood pressure can make a person at risk of heart attack, stroke and even erectile dysfunction. It is sometimes not known by such person, except if very high blood pressure.
As quoted from, Thursday (25/11/2010) there are ways that are fun and perfect to keep the blood pressure to remain normal, namely:
Eating dark chocolate (dark chocolate)
Study in Italy in 2008 to get people who eat dark chocolate every day for 15 days can help to lower systolic blood pressure (top number) by 4.5 points and diastoliknya by 4.2 points. But pilihlan proper chocolate and contains antioxidants, choose one that contains 65 percent cocoa.
Men who have sex twice a week have 65 percent lower risk of heart attack, compared to only once a month. These results are based on the study of New England Research Institute. This suggests that lower blood pressure and blood vessels will respond better in times of stress.
Listening to music
Music is the perfect tool to dilate the arteries. Listening to music is rhythmically homogeneous (beatnya stable) 30 minutes a day and combined with breathing exercises can lower systolic blood pressure. The right music can relieve anxiety and avoid the narrowing of blood vessels.
Laugh at a funny movie would make the blood vessels dilated by 22 percent and physical action of laughing will make blood vessels expand which increases blood flow and reduce blood pressure. Should someone laugh 15 minutes a day, could by reading a story or watch a funny movie.
Measuring blood pressure at home
Measure blood pressure regularly at home will be better in predicting the risk krdiovaskuler than in hospitals. One can choose a digital blood pressure measuring device is accurate, so as to know their blood pressure every time he needed.
1 Hour Afternoon Sleep Can Reduce Blood Pressure
1 Hour Afternoon Sleep Can Reduce Blood Pressure
Napping sometimes identified with slacker. Though there are benefits too lho. A short nap for 1 hour can help you lower your blood pressure and reduce work stress making you more refreshed.

When the daily routines of work and make your stress and depressed, it's good to rest and sleep for a moment to control blood pressure and away from hypertension and heart disease.
Studies conducted by researchers from Allegheny College in the U.S., found that 45-60 minutes of sleep during the day could help lower blood pressure after experiencing stress and pressure when on the move, rather than people who do not sleep.
By night's sleep now that an average of two hours shorter than 50 years ago, researchers claim nap provides a simple way to improve heart health.
Longer working hours and night shift to make people spend more time watching TV until late at night, which affects not sleep soundly. As a result, hours of sleep a night less than two hours from the time they should.
In fact, lack of sleep has been associated with numerous serious disease risk is higher, such as hypertension and cardiovascular problems (blood vessels).
"Our findings show that napping can provide cardiovascular benefits by accelerating cardiovascular recovery from stress mentally," said Ryan Brindle and Sarah Conklin, Ph.D., from Allegheny College, as reported by the Telegraph, on Thursday (03/03/2011).
In this study, researchers studied 85 healthy students were divided into two groups, which take a nap for 60 minutes and that does not take a nap.
The findings, published in Springer's International Journal of Behavioural Medicine shows that students who take a nap for between 45-60 minutes to have lower blood pressure levels significantly during the recovery phase of post-activity (nap) than students who do not sleep.
"These experiments prove that napping gives healing and protective benefits," said Sarah Conklin, PhD.
Further research is needed to explore the mechanisms linking sleep during the day with heart health, and to evaluate a nap as the practice of healing and protective, especially for people with risk of cardiovascular disease and those with optimal sleep quality.
Napping sometimes identified with slacker. Though there are benefits too lho. A short nap for 1 hour can help you lower your blood pressure and reduce work stress making you more refreshed.

When the daily routines of work and make your stress and depressed, it's good to rest and sleep for a moment to control blood pressure and away from hypertension and heart disease.
Studies conducted by researchers from Allegheny College in the U.S., found that 45-60 minutes of sleep during the day could help lower blood pressure after experiencing stress and pressure when on the move, rather than people who do not sleep.
By night's sleep now that an average of two hours shorter than 50 years ago, researchers claim nap provides a simple way to improve heart health.
Longer working hours and night shift to make people spend more time watching TV until late at night, which affects not sleep soundly. As a result, hours of sleep a night less than two hours from the time they should.
In fact, lack of sleep has been associated with numerous serious disease risk is higher, such as hypertension and cardiovascular problems (blood vessels).
"Our findings show that napping can provide cardiovascular benefits by accelerating cardiovascular recovery from stress mentally," said Ryan Brindle and Sarah Conklin, Ph.D., from Allegheny College, as reported by the Telegraph, on Thursday (03/03/2011).
In this study, researchers studied 85 healthy students were divided into two groups, which take a nap for 60 minutes and that does not take a nap.
The findings, published in Springer's International Journal of Behavioural Medicine shows that students who take a nap for between 45-60 minutes to have lower blood pressure levels significantly during the recovery phase of post-activity (nap) than students who do not sleep.
"These experiments prove that napping gives healing and protective benefits," said Sarah Conklin, PhD.
Further research is needed to explore the mechanisms linking sleep during the day with heart health, and to evaluate a nap as the practice of healing and protective, especially for people with risk of cardiovascular disease and those with optimal sleep quality.
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