Every day someone would urinate to remove metabolic waste and toxins from the body. But how many times a person's normal to urinate every day?
The amount of urine varies each person spent, it is also influenced by the amount of fluid consumed, body condition and the environment. However, if the frequency of urination is more frequent than usual, it deserves to be noticed.

Most adults will urinate about 4-7 times a day. The average person will not urinate more than two cups each 2 hour, as quoted by CNN on Friday (25/02/2011).
Meanwhile, if weather or cold air, the person will urinate more frequently. This is due to weather or cold environments can cause the bladder muscle to excess activity (overactivity) and the sensor triggers an increase in urgency (urgent).
However, if in normal circumstances a person urinate more than 8 times within 24 hours, or urinating more than 2 times in one night that can disturb sleep, then this condition should consult with a physician.
There were two bladder condition that causes one to frequently pee, that is interstitial cystitis (IC) that accompanied the pain in the bladder and the surrounding areas as well as overactive bladder are often experienced a strong urge to pee all of a sudden. Both these conditions can be treated well if unconscious and sent to the doctor.
In addition, too frequent urination can also be caused by other health conditions such as enlarged prostate, diabetes, pregnancy, urinary tract infection, anxiety, worry or the use of certain drugs.
To find out if there is disruption of the bladder, a person can do minor tests before it checked by a doctor. If these conditions are not handled properly, it can hamper or interfere with one's activities and did not get time to sleep soundly.
In the context the urination increases when there is an infection in the track and therefore other symptoms such as fever also start showing. Cosmetic Surgeon Atlanta