Because like a cold (runny nose), pneumonia in infants parents are often ignored. In fact, in one day, two million people died from the disease.
Chairman Dr IDAI. Badriul Hegar, SpA (K) said the pneumonia is an acute inflammatory process in lung tissue (alveoli) due to bacterial infections that cause respiratory distress.

"Maybe because the symptoms are similar to common colds, and there is no dramatic effects, such as death or disability directly, so people often ignore this disease. In fact, this disease is dangerous because it can cause death in children due to the lungs can not perform its function to supply oxygen for body. This is what many parents have not understood, "said Dr. Budi Darmawan Setyanto, SpA (K), head of the PD-IDAI Respiroksi UKK as written, on Thursday (03/03/2011).
This lack of understanding, according to Budi, have paid handsomely. Pneumonia, according to the WHO, is the sole cause of death in children, the largest in the world. To date, pneumonia kills nearly two million children under five, or about 20% of all deaths under five worldwide.
"This figure is higher than deaths from AIDS, malaria, and measles combined. Every year, there were 155 million cases of pneumonia worldwide. Indonesia, a country with the highest incidence rate of pneumonia to-6 in the world," he explained.
Most Vulnerable Toddlers
According to Budi, pneumonia caused by bacteria, can be a bacteria or virus, which reaches the lungs through several routes. First, the germs in dirty air inhaled through the nose and throat to the lungs and infection. Second, spread through blood.
The newborn is the most vulnerable groups are susceptible of contracting pneumonia from the birth mother through the streets during the delivery process. In addition to infants, children with low immunity system also includes a group of risk of pneumonia.
"Toddlers who do not receive exclusive breastfeeding, to be deprived of zinc. So also with people with AIDS or measles, have a higher risk of pneumonia," said Budi.
Children who live in slum settlements, poor, crowded, filthy, and dirty, also including higher-risk groups susceptible to pneumonia, compared to the group above.
"The place they stayed was very high pollution and exposure to tobacco smoke and combustion," said Hegar.
Recognize Symptoms
Symptoms of pneumonia in children vary, depending on age and cause:
1. Usually preceded by symptoms of influenza include fever accompanied by cough and colds, headaches, and loss of appetite.
2. In further developments, there will be two important symptoms of pneumonia, rapid breathing and shortness of breath.
3. If a child aged less than 2 months, her breathing faster than 60 beats per minute. If age 2-12 months, her breathing faster than 50 times per minute. Meanwhile, if the age of 1-5 years, her breathing faster than 40 times per minute.
4. For the category of shortness of breath, marked by shortness of breath, nasal flaring flowers.
5. In cases of severe pneumonia, seen the attraction of lower chest wall into the (TDDK), seizures, decreased consciousness and body temperature.
"Parents can do this at home penghitungam breath, for the initial determination of whether the child has fast breathing or not. If it is true, immediately fly to the doctor to get further treatment. If not, can prove fatal," said Budi.
Not Always Treated
Parents really do not have to worry about pneumonia brought his sick son to the doctor or hospital. Not all children with peneumonia need to be hospitalized. If still relatively mild, the child can be treated by his family at home.
Enough with the administration of drugs with a dose of antibiotics choice appropriately and regularly, within 1-2 weeks of children can be kicked out, depending on immunity.
If treatment is not optimal, then the long-term effect is damage to organs in the lungs. However, if symptoms worsen then parents should immediately take the child back to the hospital.
"But children under 2 years are affected by pneumonia should be referred to hospital because of high risk to develop severe illness, even death," said Budi.
Tips to prevent pneumonia:
1. Give to infants exclusively breastfed for 6 months
2. Meet the nutritional intake of infants and toddlers, especially vitamin A and zinc (zinc)
3. Give full immunization in children, namely DPT (to prevent the occurrence of cough
4. rejan/100 day / pertussis) and measles (for immunity against pneumonia with
5. prevent measles virus into the lungs), influenza, Hib, and pneumococcal (for
6. immune from pneumonia germs.)
7. Keep your neighborhood clean of air pollution, such as cigarette smoke, burning garbage, and vehicles.
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