Disease of high blood pressure (hypertension) should not be underestimated because it can cause complications, especially for the heart. There are 5 easy ways to keep blood pressure remained normal.

Abnormal blood pressure can make a person at risk of heart attack, stroke and even erectile dysfunction. It is sometimes not known by such person, except if very high blood pressure.
As quoted from Menshealth.com, Thursday (25/11/2010) there are ways that are fun and perfect to keep the blood pressure to remain normal, namely:
Eating dark chocolate (dark chocolate)
Study in Italy in 2008 to get people who eat dark chocolate every day for 15 days can help to lower systolic blood pressure (top number) by 4.5 points and diastoliknya by 4.2 points. But pilihlan proper chocolate and contains antioxidants, choose one that contains 65 percent cocoa.
Men who have sex twice a week have 65 percent lower risk of heart attack, compared to only once a month. These results are based on the study of New England Research Institute. This suggests that lower blood pressure and blood vessels will respond better in times of stress.
Listening to music
Music is the perfect tool to dilate the arteries. Listening to music is rhythmically homogeneous (beatnya stable) 30 minutes a day and combined with breathing exercises can lower systolic blood pressure. The right music can relieve anxiety and avoid the narrowing of blood vessels.
Laugh at a funny movie would make the blood vessels dilated by 22 percent and physical action of laughing will make blood vessels expand which increases blood flow and reduce blood pressure. Should someone laugh 15 minutes a day, could by reading a story or watch a funny movie.
Measuring blood pressure at home
Measure blood pressure regularly at home will be better in predicting the risk krdiovaskuler than in hospitals. One can choose a digital blood pressure measuring device is accurate, so as to know their blood pressure every time he needed.
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