Though claimed to be safe for the heart, some pain medication still remains a risk to sexual health. Men who regularly take pain relievers to 5 times per week had a 38 percent higher risk of experiencing erectile dysfunction.
Class of pain reliever that increases the risk of impotence is a Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory (NSAIDs), including aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Presumably, these drugs could inhibit peroduksi hormones needed for an erection.

Research conducted by Dr. Joseph Gleason of the Los Angeles show, 30 percent of men who used NSAIDs regularly 5 times a week had mild erectile dysfunction. If converted to other factors including age and weight, the risk to 38 percent.
It was concluded after Dr. Gleason, who is a specialist doctor venereal spread questionnaires to 81,000 men aged 45-69 years related to drinking habits of drugs and sexual problems. The results were already published in the latest issue of the Journal of Urology.
Although there is no proven direct relationship between pain relief Degnan impotence, Dr. Gleason suspect these drugs increase the risk of blockage of blood vessels in the penis. As a result penis erection problems to be perfect.
This assumption is actually consistent with some previous research which proved that excessive use of aspirin could increase the risk of heart attacks in men. That is, the relationship between pain reliever to the health of blood vessels has been known since long.
"We always say, the penis is the thermometer for a man to measure the health of blood vessels," said Dr. Gleason as quoted by Reuters on Thursday (03/03/2011).
If the heart is only affected by the use of NSAIDs, it is quite reasonable if the penis can also have problems. According to Dr Gleason, blood vessels in the penis is much smaller than the blood vessels to the heart so more prone to blockage.
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